Visiting Day
Isabella would be at camp for nearly four weeks when visiting day finally arrived. I had prepared for this day practically from the day that she had left for camp. I marked it in my calendar (paper for me). I started a pile of items to bring to her at camp. I pleaded with Victoria’s conservatory to allow her to leave for the weekend, so she could join use on the visit (The answer was no, unfortunately.) I informed Zachary that he would need to awaken before noon the morning of the visit. I had evidently done everything except read […]
Learning through fear (the parents)
Today marks the fourth time that Isabella has gone off on her own unexpectedly. The first was probably the most serious. She was just four years old and had just learned to use the bathroom. She was with my sister at a street fair. Yes, a street fair — every parent’s nightmare locus for a missing child, perhaps only second to a mall. (Isabella became lost there once several years back while on my watch.) At the street fair, she was looking for a bathrrom. After jumping up onto vendors’ tables and screaming her name, I found Isabella crying in a one of those […]
Just a comment
Over the years, people (mostly friends) have made comments about Isabella. Most of the comments were not solicited and those that I am writing about were all unwelcomed. For example, years ago when Isabella was about 4-years-old, her speech-langauge pathologist (who Isabella still sees) referred to Isabella as “special ed.” What was she talking about? Yes, Isabella received private speech, occupational, and physical therapy, but she wasn’t even a student yet. Or was she? It took that comment to make me realize that I may need to consider an alternative school setting for Zachary’s twin sister. It took me about […]
Does whining lead to drinking?
Long day today. Probably too soon. Full day at school and speech therapy afterwards. No, Isabella did not go to bed too late last night. We spent Sunday afternoon at a family birthday party for a one-year-old cousin. It was lovely until the end when some unnecessary whining occurred. Today, after school was unprecedented. The whining went on for a very long time upon arrival home from therapy on this absolutely glorious day. Okay, so the first thing to do is get in the bathtub with lavender and magnesium sulfate (Epson salts). No whining while in the tub, but whining […]