Lifestyle & Nutrition Coaching

A marked and significant departure from conventional dietetics and healthcare​

Laura Lagano counseling a client about nutrition

By investigating the antecedents and triggers of disease, I treats the whole person, not simply a set of symptoms. Applying the principles of functional medicine to nutrition and health, I develop Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Plans. I rely on scientific evidence and clinical experience to integrate my foundational nutrition education with the forward-thinking practices.

I treat each patient uniquely, providing nutrition and health guidance based on individual needs, not population recommendations. I empower you to take charge of your health and encourage you to make mindful food and lifestyle choices. Together, we forge a partnership and travel together on your journey toward optimal health and wellness.

Why not become a player in your health, rather than a spectator? Contact Laura Lagano Nutrition to make an appointment today.

Where can Coaching Happen?

I am happy to accommodate your needs and arrange for counseling in whatever manner is most convenient for you.

  • In-person at my Nutrition in My Kitchen sessions in Hoboken, NJ
  • At the serene office of a Madison Avenue physician in Manhattan
  • In your home as part of my Nutrition in Your Kitchen program
  • Via Skype video chat or telephone call

Where Happens During Coaching?

Changing your eating habits is a process, so is nutrition counseling. As a seasoned clinician and nutrition educator, what do I do for you that sets me apart?

  • I am responsive to your unique health needs and your personal pace. I offer realistic advice that fits into your way of living.
  • I consider all aspects of your life – food habits, health status, exercise, sleep hygiene, beliefs, self-care, relationships – to develop your unique Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan.
  • The plan that I create for you is progressive, taking you from where you are in a way that makes sense specifically for you. This tailored incremental method fosters success, accentuating the positive.
  • I listen, learning about you or your child and how you live. I examine the challenges and barriers that you face in your journey toward health.

Some of the Questions that Laura asks

  • What are your health goals?
  • What are your symptoms & health concerns?
  • What are you eating?
  • How often do you cook and dine out?
  • What kind of cookware do you use?
  • How do you store leftovers and for how long?
  • What triggers you to eat certain foods?
  • Do you take supplements?
  • Has your doctor prescribed medication?
  • What are your sleep habits?
  • Do you have metal dental fillings?
  • What’s happening in your home?
  • Are you in an unhealthy relationship?
  • What healing modalities have you used?

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