We need a better calendar

Something bad happened. We forgot to bring Isabella to a weekend birthday party! Because she doesn’t have any great friends in town, getting invited to parties of school friends is a big deal. Isabella talked about this party incessantly. The birthday girl was a new friend. Maybe that’s why we forgot. After a while, when talk becomes repetitive, you stop listening. We realized that we forgot the same day of the party — when it was over, of course. We didn’t say anything. The next day, when Isabella came home from school, she told me that we forgot the party. I said that I knew. She told me, very maturely, that there would be another birthday party next year that she’ll get invited to. No crying, no yelling. This is a good thing. We received another birthday party invitation today. I am posting reminders everywhere and taking Isabella out to buy gifts for both friends. And maybe she’ll get something, too.

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