Sleep-away camp
It was a very big deal for us (as parents) to make the decision to send Isabella to sleep-away camp. Last summer, she went for two weeks with a girlfriend from school (read: built-in safety net — that’s good for the child, but mostly the parents).When we went to pick her up to come home to attend a family function, she asked to go back for another two weeks. We obliged. This summer we wanted a camp with more academics. We found one, but the only option was 7 weeks. Yikes! Isabella’s response: “Seven weeks is a long time.” Yes, […]
Life as a Teenager
Three teens in the house. Living the dream! (FYI: for those of you who were never teenagers — this is sarcasm.) The angst! The communication breakdown. The fashion sense (or lack thereof)! Isabella experiences many of the same stuff as typical teens. Of course, there are differences. The most glaring to me, as her parent and as a former teen (yes, teens, I was once a teenager), is her lack of a social life. Most Friday and Saturday nights, Vitoria and Zachary have plans. Victoria’s are, of course, made on Mondays and discussed throughout the entire week; while Zachary’s are […]
The fashion show
Every year Isabella’s school hosts a feel good fundraiser. It’s the fashion show. Isabella talks about it incessantly. Most of the kids in the school walk down a runway wearing clothing that has been lent to the school for this very purpose. This year, I think, was the first year that Isabella walked, or rather ran, with a classmate, rather than a teacher. She was really excited. I didn’t give it much thought until she jumped on the runway nearly dragging her partner. Clearly in a hurry, Isabella didn’t stop to get her picture taken. And I was worried about […]
Friendships, relationships, are THE most important part of life. Few would disagree. I am lucky enough to have several great friendships, mostly with women, of course, who make the best friends. I love these friends. I will have them forever. Friendships for children like Isabella are difficult. It’s difficult to be Isabella’s friend. She craves friends, but they are elusive. Isabella is certainly well liked, but rarely invited to birthday parties of children we know in town. This is the saddest part of raising Isabella. It’s not the fact that her reading lags behind her peers or that she thinks […]